Eradicate injustice.
Amplify equity.
Transform education.

Supporting educators and leaders to transform schools by amplifying equity, integration & innovation.


Working towards equity in schools requires transformational change. This is complex and adaptive work that takes time and requires deep self-awareness and awakening to unpack the ways in which systemic oppression plagues us individually and within our schools. Amplify Equity works to support educators and leaders through the important “inner work” of centering equity while also facilitating meaningful shifts in classroom practices and leadership policies & structures.

What is this all about?

Amplify Equity supports educators, leaders, schools, and districts who want to drive equity-centered, anti-racist transformation within their values, mission, strategic plans and capacity-building approaches. We strive to ensure that equity is both part of the outcomes or “north star” that districts seek, but also that equity principles are engrained in the processes used to get there.


How can Amplify Equity help?

Services are designed to support schools & districts in shifting their structures, culture and practices while also supporting broad mindset shifts across communities. This starts with ourselves, investigating our identities and biases and how those impact our experience in school. Our mission is to amplify voices in ways that can drive the change that we seek in schools.


Who are we?

With two decades of experience across the PK-16 education pipeline, Amplify Equity’s Founder brings a unique skillset and perspective to this work. We would be honored to support you in creating the future that our students deserve!

We are committed to transforming schools in ways that will yield better outcomes for our most marginalized students and families. We must use this unique moment in our history to radically shift the antiquated systems and structures that continue to cause harm to so many students.
— Kelly Ocasio, Founder

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or to schedule a free consultation.


(512) 910-9555