What We Do.

How can we help you build the equitable education system you seek?

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

-Alvin Toffler

We invite you on a journey to create a just and liberated future by unlearning and relearning together. Amplify Equity works in partnership with educators and leaders to clarify the equity-focused outcomes they desire, and then uses liberatory processes to build toward the future they envision. Our services are customizable and unique to the needs of our partners. The sampling below gives you a glimpse into our portfolio of offerings:

  • Audits

    Pausing to take stock is an important aspect of creating liberatory schools and organizations. An equity audit (curricular, organizational, or systemic) is important in being able to create a transformational roadmap. We co-create participatory audit processes that leverage best practices and local expertise to unlock your organization’s strengths, needs, and opportunities.

  • Coaching & Mentoring

    We offer customized coaching and mentoring supports for leaders and educators who want to sharpen their DEIJ practices. Coaching packages help ensure consistent, ongoing, and real-time capacity-building while working to implement culturally relevant practices.

  • Workshops & Trainings

    Whether you are looking for an individual training, a series of workshops, or a longer-term community of practice, our team can facilitate learning experiences designed to actively engage participants and build their capacity to do equity-centered work.

  • Curriculum & Instructional Design

    Whether creating learning experiences for students or for adults, our team is well-versed in instructional design and learning theory for all learners. We have audited, reviewed, and written curriculum that lives at the intersection of student-centered, culturally responsive, personalized, and competency-based. Whether you need help analyzing a curriculum that already exists or want to build an innovative learning experience from scratch, our team would be excited to partner in this work!

  • Strategy & Planning

    We use a community-driven, participatory process to support strategic planning, visioning, and goal-setting within organizations and communities. We leverage principles of equity-centered design to create radically different solutions to equity challenges.

  • Creative Projects

    Does your organization or school have a unique need or request? Maybe you have an idea that you want to bring to life? Our team is always thrilled at an opportunity to learn, grow, and stretch alongside our partners as we explore passion projects in the DEIJ space.

“Dr. Ocasio is a masterful facilitator and instructional designer. She creates safe and respectful environments for participants in her trainings to reflect on their practice and wrestle with difficult and uncomfortable topics. More importantly, she's able to provide personalized coaching for participants to construct, implement, and monitor solutions to the DEIJ issues they've identified.  Kelly's modules have clear learning arcs with scaffolds to support learners from a wide array of perspectives and cultural contexts. She is highly accessible and responsive throughout the learning process and an insightful guide for long-term strategic planning.”

- Assistant Superintendent (Portsmouth, NH)

What Do Clients Say?